NR Webathon

Trans Fans and Their Dangerous Plans

A demonstrator holds a transgender flag at a protest in New York City, 2018. (Brendan McDermid/Reuters)
At National Review, we oppose transgender extremism.

As the Goliath of gender ideology runs amok — undermining American political, legal, cultural, educational, and journalistic institutions — we at National Review stand strong with sling and stone. But we can do so only with your ongoing support. That’s why we are asking you to kindly consider contributing to our fundraising webathon.

You would think that, what with a pandemic, global recession, and an uptick in violent crime, woke warriors would be taking a break from their usual monomaniacal obsessions. That perhaps, with the external threats now facing us, they might even consider turning their energies towards protecting what’s left of our common culture. But no. If anything, they’ve never been more determined to rip things up and tear things down (sometimes literally).

With your support, National Review writers will keep defending the principles and facts that, in a sane world, we might take for granted. Facts and principles such as: Men aren’t (and can never become) women; minors can’t give consent for “sex-change” treatments that will leave them scarred, sterile, and sexually dysfunctional for life; and J. K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series, is not a bigot for stating the obvious.

Few publications have been willing to take on transgender activists, because those activists have so successfully styled themselves as serving the interests of all sexual minorities (LGBTQ+) and as being the natural successors to the civil-rights movement. But these activists ought not to be confused with the individuals whose interests they claim to represent. At National Review, we have amplified a wide range of voices that progressives like to pretend don’t exist — gay and gender-dysphoric people who would just like to be left alone; parents and young patients who worry that medicine has been politicized at the expense of safety and efficacy.

While the mainstream media have taken the activist narrative at face value and applauded the Supreme Court’s recent decision in R. G. & G. R. Harris Funeral Homes, Inc. v. EEOC as a victory for progress, our Kevin Williamson debunked its supposed textualism as “magical thinking,” while John McCormack explored what this could mean for parents who object to their children’s being taught transgender ideology, as well as the implications for religious liberty further down the line. Alexandra DeSanctis has kept a close watch on developments on the Hill, reporting on the Trump administration’s reversal of the Obama administration’s sly and retroactive redefinition of sex. National Review has also taken a determined editorial stance in defense of female-only women’s athletics.

In the past, our mainstream media has whitewashed terrible ideas and policies, disguising them with popular (but distorted) thinking, half-truths, and euphemisms. Remember how the New York Times’ Pulitzer Prize–winning Moscow correspondent once said of Stalin’s murderous regime that “you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs”? He still has that prize. . . . Today, in the guise of wokeness, outlets such as the Times frequently endorse sexist ideas that put the vulnerable at risk.

We at National Review don’t want to live in a society in which standing up for women, or saying the emperor has no clothes, can get a person fired or hounded out of society. We suspect that our readers don’t either. That’s why we hope you will consider supporting our fearless and thorough reporting and commentary. Please make your contribution here.

Madeleine Kearns is a staff writer at National Review and a visiting fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum.
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