National Review

NRPLUS Q&A Call with Rich Lowry, Charlie Cooke, and Michael Brendan Dougherty

(NRO Illustration: Elijah Smith)

On Thursday afternoon, Rich Lowry, Charlie Cooke, and Michael Brendan Dougherty came together for a special, bonus NRPLUS Q&A call.

The group spent over an hour answering your fellow members’ questions about everything from politics and policy to their work and the inner workings of National Review. They also answered some of your more light-hearted questions, including whether Charlie or MBD would win in an arm wrestle, their favorite bands (aside from The Beatles), and their favorite holiday side dishes.

If you wanted to know who they think could beat Trump in the primaries or the likelihood that the courts will strike down Biden’s vaccine mandate — or if maybe you just wanted some recommendations from MBD on places to visit in Ireland — this was the call for you.

You can listen to a recording of the full Q&A session above. Thank you to those who joined us for the call and submitted questions, either beforehand or live via the Zoom chat box. We look forward to seeing you all on the next call.

NR Staff comprises members of the National Review editorial and operational teams.
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