It’s Manu Raju Day!

Senator Joe Manchin speaks with CNN’s Manu Raju during an interview in 2016. (CNN/via YouTube)

New at the movies: a comedy about a CNN reporter who asks a senator the same question every day.

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New at the movies: a comedy about a CNN reporter who asks a senator the same question every day.

A bedroom. The clock radio strikes 6:00. Sonny and Cher singing, “I Got You Babe.” CNN chief congressional correspondent Manu Raju gets out of bed and gets dressed.

RAJU: Senator Manchin, as you know, there is a great deal of pressure on you to help pass the Build Back Better Bill, which will build a bridge to the 22nd century, give everyone a free Disney+ subscription, cure cancer, make the Little Red-Haired Girl fall in love with Charlie Brown, and save America. Will you finally vote to support it?

JOE MANCHIN: It’s pretty expensive. I don’t think we can afford it. It has a lot of stuff we don’t need. It’ll drive up inflation, which is already becoming a major concern. So I’m not a fan.

RAJU: Senator Manchin, as you know, racist Senate rules require the consent of 60 members before a bill can proceed to a vote. Will you join Bernie Sanders, Ed Markey, and other middle-of-the-road Americans who say it’s time to end the filibuster?

MANCHIN: Seems like a bad idea. It’s the kind of thing the other party will use against us the next time they get a chance. Besides, if you’re going to do anything major, you should probably secure a bipartisan consensus first. So I’m not crazy about that idea.

A bedroom. The clock radio strikes 6:00. Sonny and Cher singing, “I Got You Babe.” CNN chief congressional correspondent Manu Raju gets out of bed and gets dressed.

RAJU: Senator Manchin, America urgently needs the Build Back Better Act, which is the only legislation currently proposed that will stop the country from literally dissolving and trickling into the oceans like melting snow. Will you vote to support this precious bill or would you rather all of the babies die?

MANCHIN: I think America has other priorities at the moment. So I’m thinking it’s not a good idea.

RAJU: But surely you won’t side with Strom Thurmond by continuing to support the pernicious filibuster?

MANCHIN: I don’t think we should nuke the filibuster, sorry.

A bedroom. The clock radio strikes 6:00. Sonny and Cher singing, “I Got You Babe.” CNN chief congressional correspondent Manu Raju gets out of bed and gets dressed.

RAJU: Senator Manchin, isn’t it about damn time you grew a pair and supported the Build Back Better Act?

MANCHIN: It’s bad legislation. So, no.

RAJU: You have to be freaking kidding me. But what about the stupid filibuster that is crushing American dreams like so many M&Ms disappearing under a steamroller?

MANCHIN: The filibuster isn’t going anywhere.

A bedroom. The clock radio strikes 6:00. Sonny and Cher singing, “I Got You Babe.” CNN chief congressional correspondent Manu Raju gets out of bed and gets dressed.

RAJU: Senator Manchin, the Build . . .

MANCHIN: Back Better Act? It’s garbage. I’ll never support it in a thousand lifetimes.

RAJU: But the fili-

MANCHIN: The filibuster stays, my man. How many times do I have to tell you?

RAJU: You’ve never told me this before. This is the first time I’ve asked you.

A bedroom. The clock radio strikes 6:00. Sonny and Cher singing, “I Got You Babe.” CNN chief congressional correspondent Manu Raju gets out of bed and gets dressed.

Another bedroom. The clock radio strikes 6:00. Sonny and Cher singing, “I Got You Babe.” CNN media reporter Brian Stelter gets out of bed and gets dressed.

RAJU: Senator Manchin . . .

MANCHIN: I think we’re done here.

RAJU: What do you mean?

MANCHIN: You’re going to ask me how I’m voting on Build Back Better and whether I’m going to blow up the filibuster.

RAJU: How did you know that?

MANCHIN: I have this funny feeling this has all happened before. I call it Déja Raju.

[Cut to]

STELTER: Today on CNN, we tell you what’s on Fox News Channel. American Democracy is under siege, and yet Fox is incessantly reporting on local school boards, which are supposed to operate free of interference from annoying voters. Brianna?

A bedroom. The clock radio strikes 6:00. Sonny and Cher singing, “I Got You Babe.” CNN chief congressional correspondent Manu Raju gets out of bed and gets dressed.

[Cut to]

Another bedroom. The clock radio strikes 6:00. Sonny and Cher singing, “I Got You Babe.” CNN media Reporter Brian Stelter gets out of bed and gets dressed.

[Cut to]     

Another bedroom. The clock radio strikes 6:00. Sonny and Cher singing, “I Got You Babe.” MSNBC anchor Joy Reid gets out of bed and gets dressed.

RAJU: Senator Manchin-

MANCHIN: Are you going to do that thing where you ask me the same thing you’ve asked me for 150 consecutive days?

RAJU: I don’t know what you’re talking about.

MANCHIN: It’s like you’re living the same day over and over again without realizing it.

RAJU: That’s impossible. Today has never happened before.

[Cut to]

STELTER: Today on CNN, we tell you what’s on Fox News Channel. Basic American freedoms are under siege, and yet Fox News Channel is doing a demented report on how people are trying to [makes air quotes] “censor” Joe Rogan. Brianna?

[Cut to]

REID: Tonight on MSNBC, we’re done fooling around. We’ve got an exclusive. Buckle up. Are you ready? We’ve got the scoop on how everything is racist. I promise you, you have never heard anything like this before.

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