NR Webathon

Disney Has Fallen

Main gate at the Walt Disney Company in Burbank, Calif. (Lucy Nicholson/Reuters)
Not even the children’s-programming giant could resist the gender agenda. Help NR stand for truth and reason.

A free and independent country needs to have free and independent institutions. They’re just so much the better for finding and defending timeless truths. NR is one such institution, and you can tell because we so freely utter a truth others won’t dare to acknowledge: the existence of women, rooted in nature, authored by Nature’s God.

You may have noticed others aren’t so free to do so. The NCAA, large medical groups, perhaps even your HR department.

Ron DeSantis signed a bill that prohibited public schools from offering “instruction” in gender ideology in grades K–3. It was the right bill, protecting young children from falsehoods. His opponents called it the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, alleging that it criminalized any acknowledgement of the existence of same-sex couples. Predictably, this week, we discovered that this accusation was a case of projection. In leaked video recordings of an all-hands meeting meant to respond to the Florida legislation, Disney executives revealed that they had banned their theme-park workers from using phrases like “ladies and gentlemen” or “boys and girls.”

Disney, in other words, had instituted a “Don’t Say” policy on the sex binary, forbidding the acknowledgement of a simple truth.

We never will. And we are asking for your support as part of a webathon focused on this ever-escalating debate.

Untruths advance via censorship, compulsion, and slimy euphemisms. The people who oppose the journalism that Maddy Kearns and others at NR have done on transgender issues rarely have the stomach to argue that we are wrong or debate the substance. Instead, they say that only expert biologists know what a woman is, or they call our commitment to reality a “bad look.”

They claim, falsely, that the truths about nature — about men and women — constitute a harm to people. Meanwhile, they are defending a for-profit industry that mutilates the bodies of children, sterilizes them, and condemns some of them to a lifetime of yet more surgeries. The removal of healthy sex organs or breast tissue is deemed by these commissars to be “gender affirmation” surgery.

Unless there is real, substantive journalism exposing these frauds — and inspiring action in normally lazy legislatures — schools will surreptitiously import this quackery into their health and sex-ed curricula.

NR depends, and has always depended, on the generosity of readers who will defend truth and sanity, even as progressive institutions work to make the whole world into their psychiatric ward.

A Disney+ subscription with a few extra bells and whistles is $14 a month, and over $100 a year. This is a company that has vowed to make the world more deranged, by indoctrinating children. That same meeting included discussions of inserting the gender agenda in kids’ programming wherever possible.

What should you support in the world? We think it should be the truth, said fearlessly and with a bit of wit too.

If you can, please donate today and support the work that Maddy Kearns and so many others do at NR. Thank you.

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