NR Webathon

NR Readers Are Unmatched (See What I Did There?)

National Review founder William F. Buckley Jr. (National Review)
This is us, saying thank you.

Well, as you might have noticed, we have had a little webathon going and have met our goal.

If you didn’t notice and are just clueing in now, welcome to the party, and we would be more than happy to throw your contribution, of $5 to $5,000, on top.

Contrary to what you might believe, running webathons is not our favorite thing to do.

No one came to work at NR thinking, “Finally, I get the chance to write or edit a fundraising pitch for the nation’s foremost journal of conservative opinion.”

No, we only run these drives because, as a publication that cares more about ideas than the bottom line, we’ve always depended on the generous support of our readers.

And, amazingly, you always come through.

In this case, we had a generous friend who agreed to match contributions up to $100,000. The combination of his willingness to write a big check and the willingness of nearly a thousand of you to write smaller checks — every dime important and appreciated — produced a big win.

Again, we aren’t turning away any additional top-us-off contributions if you are so inclined, but I’m mainly here to say thank you for your patience during these drives, thank you for contributing, and thank you for your devotion to this country and all that makes it great.

God bless.

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