Bench Memos

Ad Wars Thursday

This one, from the right, another expected from the :Left:


1275 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Tenth Floor

Washington, DC 20004

For Immediate Release:

November 16, 2005

Contact: Sean Rushton

(202) 481-6853


CFJ Announces Seven-State Thanksgiving Week

Radio and TV Ad Buy Defending Alito

Ad will run in Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, West Virginia, Montana,

Arkansas, Colorado, and Washington, DC

Asks, “What do People for the American Way and other Alito opponents really stand for?”

WASHINGTON, DC — the Committee for Justice (CFJ), which defends and promotes constitutionalist nominees to the federal courts, announced today it would respond to the liberal attacks on U.S. Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito with a counter ad that examines the policy positions of People for the American Way.

The ad, which will air in red states with Democratic senators for all of Thanksgiving week, points out Judge Alito’s sterling credentials and then examines his opponents’ views on issues such as ‘under God’ in the Pledge of Allegiance, redefinition of marriage, and pornography. It will air in Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, West Virginia, Montana, Arkansas, Colorado, and Washington, DC.

The ad itself – in video and audio format – and transcripts will be posted by 7 AM EST at Committee for Justice’s website,


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