Bench Memos

Inventory of Posts on D.C. Circuit Nominee Caitlin Halligan

Amidst all the talk of other courts that face “judicial emergencies” and despite the fact that the D.C. Circuit is underworked, there is buzz that Senate majority leader Harry Reid may soon press for a floor vote on Caitlin Halligan’s nomination to the D.C. Circuit.

For the sake of convenience, I am providing here an inventory of various of my posts on Halligan’s record and testimony. (The titles below don’t exactly match the titles on the posts, as I’ve shortened many of them and tweaked others to make their topic clearer.)

Halligan on National Security

Halligan on Same-Sex Marriage

Halligan on Racial Preferences

Halligan on the Death Penalty and State “Consensus”


Halligan’s Incredible Testimony

A Rebuttal on Halligan’s Incredible Testimony

Halligan’s Testimony on Report on Indefinite Detention—Part 1

Halligan’s Testimony on Report on Indefinite Detention—Part 2

More on Halligan’s Testimony on Report on Indefinite Detention

I’ll also call attention to Gary Marx’s post on Halligan and the Second Amendment.

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