Bench Memos

Oh, Margaret!

Margaret Carlson today strikes me as just not getting what the courts are about, which…is our problem today, of course. If how John Roberts prays on Sunday or where he prays on Sunday is going to have a direct efffect on how he rules in a specific case, you’re still going to know what you need to know about him by asking questions of him re: his judicial philosophy.

I will say one thing though, and I’ve said it before here. I don’t think the whole “bigoted”/”anti-Catholic” angle necessarily helps conservatives strategically. It’s broader than hating Catholics–it’s a hostility to a bulk of America. Conservative-leaning people who are guided by faith in God. Some Senate Dems would put a test in place that would screen out these types of folks if they could. And they should be called on it if they try.

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