Bench Memos

Reaching Out to Joe Biden: A Sure Way to Help the Miers Cause

From the Union Leader:

FAIR TREATMENT. The White House political arm is taking a special interest in U.S. senators who are potential 2008 Presidential candidates, especially when they come to New Hampshire. The goal is to put them on the record on the Harriet Miers nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court, which is under fire from the right and left.

Bush administration political director Sarah Taylor has been making calls into the state to advise local activists working on behalf of the nomination with the Washington-based Progress for America organization.

“They are obviously well aware of our special role in the political process,” said political strategist Jack Heath.

As part of the coordinated effort, activists Tuesday night approached Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan., at St. Anselm College with a letter saying that Miers is qualified, deserves “fair treatment” and a filibuster-free up-or-down confirmation vote.

It was signed by Republican National Committeeman Tom Rath, Cornerstone Policy Research head Karen Testerman, Ed Naile, chairman of the Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers, and GOP activist Susan Duprey, president of the Devine Millimet law firm.

Starting Saturday, when Republican Virginia Sen. George Allen visits the state, the group will not only give Presidential candidates the letter, but also ask them to sign a pledge to support fair treatment of the Miers nomination.

Heath says Democratic senators will also be approached. That would include Delaware’s Joe Biden, who may campaign for Manchester Mayor Robert Baines before the end of the month.

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