Bench Memos

Young Professionals for Mark Obenshain, Va. Candidate for Attorney General

This Thursday evening a group of young professionals will be co-hosting a happy hour for Mark Obenshain, candidate for attorney general of Virginia.

You have probably heard a lot less about this race than the race for governor, but in some ways this race is even more important. As Fred Barnes detailed in a recent Weekly Standard cover story, the current set of conservative and libertarian attorneys general “have done more than Republicans in Congress, statehouses, or anywhere else to block, cripple, undermine, or weaken Obama’s initiatives.”

Obeinshain has the capacity to join those AGs in the fight for limited, constitutional government, but getting there won’t be a cakewalk. The 2005 race was decided by around 300 votes, out of nearly 2,000,000 cast, and this is shaping up to be a challenging year for Republicans in Virginia

So, if you are a young professional with any interest in legal-policy matters, I encourage you to attend the event and help spread the word about Virginia’s next AG. The hosts are asking $25 per person / $250 host committee / $500 sponsor.

When: 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 19

Where: 901 K Street, NW, Eleventh Floor, Washington, D.C.

RSVP to Monica Block at

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