The Corner

40% To 0, FWIW

Mickey Kaus:

Debate #1: Before I get spun, I’d say: small, Pyrrhic victory for McCain. McCain wanted to make Obama seem naive and inexperienced. He did about 40% of that. Obama wanted to make McCain seem dangerously ambitious, bellicose and hotheaded. He did 0% of that. But a) the foreign policy stuff came after a long period on the economy, where McCain seemed a bit frenetic and Obama had the upper hand; and b) Obama didn’t seem non-credible, which may be enough to carry him through given all the other advantages he has. ..

More: c) When Obama talks about the struggling middle class, etc., he always says “they” (seems distant) or “you” (seems condescending). Why not “we” or “us.”? Or “my buddy Joe down the street”? A core problem, and one that shouldn’t be that hard to fix; d) The big areas where Obama could scare voters about McCain are Georgia/Ukraine/Russia and Iran. On Georgia, Obama threw away his leverage by essentially moving toward McCain’s position, up to including Georgia in NATO. I guess we really are all Georgians now. On Iran, McCain didn’t say anything particularly scary–if anything, he seemed able to dispel some of those legitimate fears, Reagan-style. e) Even more important, Obama did little to bring home what a nightmare the last six years have been for Americans, since the decision to attack Iraq. Wasn’t there something sound-bitey he could have prepared? (“Do you want to go through another eight years like the last eight?”) f) McCain has that candidates’ shorthand disease–when he recycles old campaign rhetoric he so sick of it he shortens it down to code words: “Pen. Veto. I’ll make them famous.” If you weren’t already sick of the rhetoric you probably didn’t have the faintest idea what he was saying. (When I worked for Sen. Hollings, it seemed as if by the end of the campaign he’d invoke an old chestnut from Pogo by barking “Pogo. The enemy! Us!”) g) McCain could have effectively hit Obama on his big spending plans earlier and harder. … h) I don’t understand the difference between “strategy” and “tactics.” Is there something wrong with me? …

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