The Corner

9/11 Report Cya

Remember the kerfuffle over Jamie Gorelick, the 9/11 commission member

who became a part of the story when John Ashcroft revealed she had

written the 1995 memo insisting that the wall between intelligence and

law enforcement be even higher and harder to breach than the law

required? Here’s how the 9/11 report covers Gorelick’s backside, on

page 79:

“In July 1995, Attorney General Reno issued formal procedures aimed at

managing information sharing between Justice Department prosecutors and

the FBI. They were developed in a working group led by the Justice

Department’s Executive Office of National Security, overseen by Deputy

Attorney General Jamie Gorelick. These procedures–whiel requiring the

sharing of intelligence information with prosecutors–regulated the

manner in which such information could be shared from the intelligence

side of the house to the criminal side.

“These procedures were almost immediately MISUNDERSTOOD and MISAPPLIED.

As a reuslt, there was far less information sharing and


John Podhoretz, a New York Post columnist for 25 years, is the editor of Commentary.
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