The Corner

Law & the Courts

A Blow to Women’s Sports

A federal judge moved to block an Idaho law designed to prevent biological males from competing in women’s sports. U.S. District Judge David Nye — a Trump pick, no less — explained his decision in that the ACLU’s suit seeking to repeal the law was “likely to succeed.”

We can expect much more of this going forward. Earlier this year the Supreme Court decided in Bostock v. Clayton County that differentiating between the sexes can amount to unlawful discrimination if a person claims transgender status. On top of this, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have promised to pass the so-called Equality Act within 100 days of their administration’s start. The Equality Act would require all federally funded entities — be they educational, athletic, or public accommodations — to extend the legal definition of sex to include gender identity.

As we’ve seen in Connecticut and across the country, such policies are tremendously unfair to women and girls, depriving them of the opportunity to compete and win in their own sporting category. Yet the tone-deaf American Civil Liberties Union heralded the decision as a “victory for all women and girls in Idaho” (all of them!), adding that “trans people belong in sports” — well sure they do, but, like the rest of us, they belong in teams that correspond with their biological sex.

Madeleine Kearns is a staff writer at National Review and a visiting fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum.
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