The Corner


A Roundup of Thanksgiving Links

A Thanksgiving miscellany: Mark Twain, science, WKRP, Cicero, and the best turkey-fryer PSA ever.

Ten Thanksgiving Words With Bizarre Origins.

In 1939, the U.S. celebrated Democrat Thanksgiving and Republican Thanksgiving.

A bird in a bird in a bird in a bird in a bird in a pig: the TurBacon Epic.

What’s a Wishbone, and Why Do We Crack It? Related, Tyrannosaurus Rex Had a Wishbone.

This Man Made the First Canned Cranberry Sauce.

Benjamin Franklin’s account of the First Thanksgiving.

How Much Stuffing Would It Take to Stuff Your House Like A Turkey?

8 Thanksgiving Flowcharts.

How Turkey Got Its Name.

Why Do The Lions & Cowboys Always Play On Thanksgiving?

For those of us born between the 22nd and 28th and have always wondered, here’s how it works: the Thanksgiving Birthday Pattern.

Thanksgiving in 1810, 1910, and 2010. Related: Celebrating Thanksgiving in the 1800s.

For the kids, a virtual field trip to the first Thanksgiving.

Dave Barry Thanksgiving columns from 199619982004 . . . feel free to add more in the comments.

Buffy Thanksgiving episode: “Ritual sacrifice, with pie.”

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