The Corner

Film & TV

A Significant Concession

In the Daily Wire’s documentary What Is a Woman? (which I reviewed yesterday), Dr. Marci Bowers — a surgeon specializing in transgender genital surgery — made a small but significant concession. Namely, that there may be at least a “teeny-tiny” element of social contagion in the dramatic rise of transgender-identifying youth.

Before the documentary’s release, Bowers expressed this and other doubts more strongly in an interview with Abigail Shrier. “As for this ROGD [rapid-onset gender dysphoria] thing, I think there probably are people who are influenced,” Bowers told Shrier. “There is a little bit of ‘Yeah, that’s so cool. Yeah, I kind of want to do that too.’”

From Shrier:

I asked Bowers about the rise of detransitioners, young women who have come to regret transitioning. Many said they were given a course of testosterone on their first visit to a clinic like Planned Parenthood. “​When you have a female-assigned person and she’s feeling dysphoric, or somebody decides that she’s dysphoric and says your eating disorders are not really eating disorders, this is actually gender dysphoria, and then they see you for one visit, and then they recommend testosterone — red flag!” Bowers said. “Wake up here.”

Madeleine Kearns is a staff writer at National Review and a visiting fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum.
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