The Corner

Woke Culture

A Transgender Emperor and a Racist Plague. Whatever Next?

I have a piece in the Telegraph today about some recent attempts in the United Kingdom to rewrite history to suit identity-obsessed narcissists.

Who knew that Elagabalus, the 3rd century Roman Emperor, was transgender? This remarkable detail was somehow missed by generations of historians over thousands of years. Yet this week, the North Hertfordshire Museum in north London has brought it to the attention of many.

Keith Hoskins, an executive member for Enterprise and Arts at North Herts Council, claims that it’s clear the Roman ruler “identified as a woman” and it’s therefore only “polite and respectful” to use she/her pronouns in the museum’s display.

If only Elagabalus had been quite so “polite” towards his guests whom he killed in cruel and unusual ways at his parties, tying some to a waterwheel and watching them slowly drown, or quite so “respectful” to Colosseum goers when he set poisonous snakes into the crowd. In any case, the theory of Elagabalus’s transgenderism is equus cacas, to use the Latin term.

You can read the rest here.

Madeleine Kearns is a staff writer at National Review and a visiting fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum.
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