The Corner

NR Webathon

A Wuhan Webathon Thank You

National Review founder William F. Buckley Jr. (National Review)

There are no words appropriate enough to express our gratitude to the community of National Review readers and supporters. We set out with a goal to raise $50,000 over a period of only six days, and within the first two we were already 80 percent of the way to our goal. With hearts warmed by all of your generous support, and with our need being great and lasting far beyond this fundraiser, we pushed the limit — first to $75,000 and then to $100,000 — as the donations to our merry band continued to pour in.

By campaign end, our original ask of you all yielded an exceptional result, with over 1,000 happy warriors donating to the cause of truth in journalism. With your help, we not only met our original goal, but exceeded it by $60,000! Even as I write, some donations are still rolling in.

Incredible. Awe-inspiring. It is in these moments that I, and everyone here at NR, truly understand how blessed we are to have such an amazing community of support. This here proves that we really do have the best readers in the world (as if it weren’t already obvious).

From all of us here at NR, thank you!

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