The Corner

ACORN Defends Itself

Yesterday, ACORN held a press conference to respond to charges that they enable voter fraud. I was in attendance and have a piece up on the homepage today about it. Here’s how ACORN responded to questions from the press:

  • Out of the 13,000 workers responsible for collecting voter registrations how many have you fired for fraudulent activity? “It’s a good question, I don’t have the number but I can try to find out,” Whelan said.
  • Out of the 1.3 million voters registered by ACORN, is there any guess at how many are “Mickey Mouse” or duplicate registrations? “It probably won’t be after the election that we can tell you.”
  • Because state law requires you to submit every registration you collect, what percentage of the total voter registrations submitted does ACORN actually flag as being problematic before you send them in? “I want to not give a number that I can’t back up.”

Confidence inspiring, no? That’s a heck of a quality control system they have there, yesiree.

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