The Corner

Actually Quite Warm, Even Close

I recall readers to this little noticed (by the MSM) passage in a May 2nd Wall Street Journal op-ed by Elizabeth Wurtzel:

Apparently, back when he was running for state senate, Barack Obama had fund-raising events at the home of Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, and there’s been some press about the senator’s friendship with this controversial Weathercouple. Many reporters are well aware, even though Mr. Obama has described his connection to Ayers and Dohrn as “flimsy,” that the senator’s relationship with his radical Hyde Park neighbors is actually quite warm, even close.

In her tepid, wobbling way, Hillary Clinton has attempted to use this well-known fact to portray her opponent as a secret subversive. But mostly, the press doesn’t want to touch this story – and no one else does either, as if it actually were TNT.

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