The Corner

ACU Supports Boehner Plan

The vote may be postponed, but the Boehner plan gets a new endorsement, from new American Conservative Union chairman Al Cardenas:

Under the Obama Administration, we have endured an unprecedented growth of government and federal spending. Now, Democrats want to raise the debt ceiling and raise taxes to pay for failed economic policies. That is reckless, irresponsible and unacceptable.

While far from the ultimate solution, given the circumstances, the American Conservative Union supports the revised Budget Control Act sponsored by Speaker Boehner and his efforts to forge a viable compromise that reigns in spending and does not raise taxes on Americans and American businesses.

Resistance to this plan by President Obama, Senator Harry Reid and their liberal colleagues is a clear reminder they are not willing to make the tough decisions necessary to dramatically reduce spending to restore fiscal sanity in America.

Will that buck up freshmen who got a friendly Facebook threat from Sarah Palin this afternoon? She wrote:

Everyone I talk to still believes in contested primaries.


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