The Corner

Simpson of Wyoming

For almost 20 years, Alan Simpson was in the U.S. Senate (1979-97). For ten of those years, he was the Republican whip. He was a fixture on our national political scene. Since then, he has done many jobs, including the co-chairmanship of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform. I think of that as the Get Entitlements under Control Commission.

He is my guest on the latest Q&A podcast. We jaw about some of the biggest, hardest issues, including entitlements. And immigration. (Simpson was the co-sponsor of the 1986 immigration act.) We talk about the veterans administration and the mess it’s in. (Simpson headed the Veterans Affairs Committee.) We talk about Iraq. (He was a member of the Iraq Study Group.)

We also talk about some personalities, among them O, Cheney, and Hill.

As ever, Simpson is completely candid, and, as ever, he expresses himself in an authentically, and marvelously, American way. It’s different in the West. (Simpson is from Wyoming, and makes his home in Cody.) That link, again, is here.

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