The Corner


All Glory to Independent Texas, Comrade!

Russian President Vladimir Putin smiles during a holiday in Siberia, Russia, March 21, 2021. (Sputnik/Alexei Druzhinin/Kremlin via Reuters)

Former Russian prime minister Dmitry Medvedev — remember “I vill transmit this to Vladimir”? — apparently fervently believes that the U.S. is on the brink of a second civil war, and declares, “establishing a People’s Republic of Texas is getting more and more real.”

Russia’s foreign disinformation operations — you know, folks like the troll farms at the Internet Research Agency — are now attempting to create the impression that Texans, far and wide, are on the verge of secession and violent rebellion.

In late December, an alleged “Texit” advocate on Twitter called for independence, boasting that the state enjoys so many unique features and resources, including, “8th largest economy now. -50th by population in the world. -A warm water port, oil / natural gas and major tech industries. -Our own power grid and military as well?”

Say, when’s the last time you heard a Texan refer to a warm-water port? 

This is the United States of America, pal. Other than a couple in Alaska, all our ports are warm-water ports.

You know who spends a lot of time thinking about warm-water ports, because they have so few of them? Russians.

(Let’s also note that the independent electric grid of Texas that he’s boasting about has been, er, less than ideal in recent years. After the major power crisis in winter 2021, it’s tough to believe that any Texan would be boasting that the electric grid is one of the reasons the state ought to secede.)

Go back to chasing moose and squirrel, Boris.

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