The Corner

‘All we ask is that such critique be fair, rational, and accurate’

The Catholic archbishop of New York — who earlier this week took on Patrick Kennedy and health-care “reform” – takes on the New York Times today, publishing a declined submission to the paper on his blog:

October is the month we relish the highpoint of our national pastime, especially when one of our own New York teams is in the World Series!


Sadly, America has another national pastime, this one not pleasant at all: anti-catholicism. 


It is not hyperbole to call prejudice against the Catholic Church a national pastime. Scholars such as Arthur Schlesinger Sr. referred to it as “the deepest bias in the history of the American people,” while John Higham described it as “the most luxuriant, tenacious tradition of paranoiac agitation in American history.” “The anti-semitism of the left,” is how Paul Viereck reads it, and Professor Philip Jenkins sub-titles his book on the topic “the last acceptable prejudice.”

If you want recent evidence of this unfairness against the Catholic Church, look no further than a few of these following examples of occurrences over the last couple weeks …

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