The Corner

An Amazing Twelve-Year-Old Girl

My column today has an item about environmentalist scare-mongering in American schools. A reader writes,

My daughter’s expensive private school is generally not very lefty, but they do go in for some green propaganda. They had a speaker come extol the virtues of vegetarianism, and the school cafeteria went meat-free for Earth Day.


My twelve-year-old decided this was in the “We should be more like North Korea” category — a reference to this poster — and brought her own lunch: a steak sandwich. One of the other kids called her “a meat-eating monster.” She said it made her day. (She also subscribes to the view that if you aren’t making leftists unhappy, you probably aren’t doing something right.)


I’m a proud papa. 

Holy moly, I should say! (Have you ever?!)

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