The Corner

Politics & Policy

Americans For Prosperity Action Endorses Ron DeSantis

Despite his recent fights with big corporations, at least some of which have clashed with economic-liberty orthodoxy, Ron DeSantis just landed a strong free-market endorsement from AFP Action, the political arm of Americans For Prosperity:

“Gov. DeSantis has been a champion for Floridians through difficult and challenging times, and he has succeeded with his economic freedom-oriented approach,” said AFP Action Senior Adviser Skylar Zander. “His support for policies — from reducing spending to expanding school choice — have caught the attention of people across the country who want to live in a state where the government respects and empowers its people.”…During DeSantis’ first term, he signed several AFP priorities into law, including eliminating Florida’s certificate of need program on health care providers and vetoing more than $1 billion in spending in 2021 for local projects. He also has overseen massive expansions in school choice programs, a cornerstone of AFP’s agenda.

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