The Corner

Law & the Courts

Amy Coney Barrett Is Living The Handmaid’s Tale?

In a Reuters piece exploring potential Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barret’s religious affiliations, we learn that:

[s]ome have likened People of Praise, a self-described charismatic Christian community, to the totalitarian, male-dominated society of Margaret Atwood’s novel “The Handmaid’s Tale.”

One former member described the group as an:

abusive cult in which women are completely obedient to men and independent thinkers are humiliated, interrogated, shamed and shunned.

Indeed. After all, Barrett’s knuckle-dragging misogynistic religious fanatic husband has only let the poor woman out of the house twice. Once, to serve a 15-year stint as a law professor at a highly prestigious university. And again to slave away as a judge on the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.

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