The Corner

Amy’s Pink Plea

A not-so-awesome e-mail to end the day with: 

From: Amy Poehler for Planned Parenthood

Sent: Monday, June 27, 2011 5:53 PM

To: Kathryn Lopez

Subject: So great


Dear kathryn,

You know who is awesome? Cecile Richards. She’s the president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. She’s smart, she’s tough, and she’s totally dedicated to fighting for women’s health. And you know who else totally rules? Every single doctor and nurse and receptionist and volunteer who shows up at a Planned Parenthood health center to make sure that every person who walks through their door gets the care they need.

And when it comes to Planned Parenthood, there’s one more group of people who are really, truly, no-kidding awesome: the members who give money and time to make it all possible. I should know. I’m one of them.

You should be, too. In fact, you should stop reading this email right now and click here to become a Planned Parenthood Federation of America member like me this very second. Helping Planned Parenthood help women is always a good thing, but right now it’s even better because some very generous people will match your membership bucks (but only until June 30, so do it now).

You get these emails, you pay attention — you already know how important Planned Parenthood is. But now is an important time to give and become a member. Give a dollar right now, and it magically turns into two. Give $50, and that’s a hundred dollars for Planned Parenthood. There’s no better way to have an impact for women’s health than being a Planned Parenthood member — and if you give now, you have twice the impact.

Admit it, that’s pretty convincing. You know it’s time to reach for that credit card and make your donation. But if you’re still not sold, think back to the first time you went to a Planned Parenthood health center, scared or broke or confused or hopeful. Think about your friends, or your sister, or your daughter, son, niece, or nephew. Think about every person out there who has nowhere else to go, nobody else to count on, nobody but Planned Parenthood.

It’s up to us to make sure Planned Parenthood is strong enough to protect their rights and their health. Especially because we are having a moment right now when people are trying to come up with new ways to make the lives of all the folks who rely on Planned Parenthood pretty difficult. What makes it possible for Planned Parenthood to make a real, irreplaceable difference for those folks are members like me — and hopefully you.

So why are you still reading? You should be click-click-clicking right here to become a member!

Thanks for reading this, thanks for joining or renewing, thanks for sticking with the incredible people at this incredible organization, and thanks for joining me in saying that Planned Parenthood is awesome!


Amy Poehler

Amy really needs to meet Abby’s book.

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