The Corner


An Anti-TERF Play about J. K. Rowling

Those interested in what J. K. Rowling has to say about transgenderism and women’s rights can read or listen to what she’s said. Alternatively, they can go see a play in Australia written by a male trans activist, Anna Piper Scott, who in addition to having scripted Rowling’s lines will perform them as well.

UnHerd reports:

This week, Melbourne Fringe will host An Evening with JK. For just $28 a head, theatregoers will finally be able to hear how “one of the world’s most celebrated authors become one of the most hated,” as JK Rowling sits down for an “exclusive, hard-hitting, one-on-one interview” with a trans journalist, where Rowling “finally answers the questions she never gets asked, and gives the answers she’s always wanted to give.”

Well sort of.

Piper has explained that “it’s definitely not a show that’s going to redeem TERFS [trans-exclusionary radical feminists] or anything like that,” but rather is an effort to “understand how they’ve gotten to where they’ve gotten.”

Piper complains that critics of transgender ideology “don’t say what they really mean.” In his play, he intends to expose what Rowling really means by putting his words in her mouth. Perhaps it should be named An Evening with Straw Man instead.

Madeleine Kearns is a staff writer at National Review and a visiting fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum.
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