The Corner


Andrew Cuomo Leaves His Dog Behind

“If you want a friend in Washington,” the old saying goes, “get a dog.” So too for the swamp of Albany. But it appears that the loyalty of man’s best friend only runs one way for Andrew Cuomo. According to a report by Brendan Lyons of the Albany Times Union, the disgraced soon-to-be-ex-governor — who sent a U-Haul to the governor’s mansion on Friday and has moved in with one of his sisters — “has asked staff members at the Executive Mansion if anyone would like to keep his dog, Captain, who has remained at the state-owned residence after the governor moved out last week”:

Two State Police sources told the Times Union on Saturday that the governor had recently asked mansion staff members if anyone would be interested in caring for the dog. Captain — a high-strung mix of shepherd, Siberian and malamute — has nipped a few people since Cuomo adopted him in 2018, the sources said, and a mansion staffer recently took the dog home for a few days but decided he was too much.

“A high-strung mix” who “has nipped a few people” and was “too much” for the staff sounds as if the dog has a lot in common with his master. Remember when Gail Collins of the New York Times wrote dozens of columns mentioning Mitt Romney’s dog Seamus? At least Romney kept the dog. Nixon didn’t abandon Checkers. Even Joe Biden only temporarily exiled Major. I guess nobody ever explained to Cuomo that you should leave no dog behind.

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