The Corner

Angry Conservatives Coming Home

From a reader:


Over on Freerepublic, I’ve been one of the people who consistently has been chanting for abandoning the Republicans.  The fact of the matter is a republican in congress has a lot more in common with a democrat in congress than either of them has with me and the other folks who only get to spend their own money.  The contempt they hold for your average American slips out from time to time and it’s always disheartening.  So come election time, it seems the only tool I have to get them to listen to me is to threaten to withhold my vote and potentially move the scope of all political discourse further to the right.  But when the moment arrives, I’m going to hold my nose and vote for the republican lying weasel instead of handing a victory to the democratic lying weasel.

I mean I’m angry… but I’m not an idiot.

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