The Corner

Ann Romney: Being a Stay-at-Home Mom ‘Wasn’t Easy’

Ann Romney, who stayed at home to raise her five sons, pushed back in a Fox News interview this morning against Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen’s remark on CNN last night that she had “never worked a day in her life.”

“She should have come to my house when those five boys were causing so much trouble,” Romney chuckled. “It wasn’t easy.”

“My career choice was to be a mother,” she added. “We need to respect choices that women make. Other women make other choices to have a career and raise a family, which I think Hilary Rosen has actually done herself. I respect that. That’s wonderful.”  She also gave a shout-out to “dads at home raising kids.”

Romney indicated she had no intention of backing down on speaking for women.

“I want to tell you what women are telling me,” she said. “And Hilary needs to know this, because I’ve been on the campaign trail for one year. And guess what women are talking about, and I don’t care if they’re stay at home moms or they’re working mothers or they’re grandmothers . . . they’re talking about jobs, and they’re talking about the legacy of debt that we’re leaving our children.”

Katrina TrinkoKatrina Trinko is a political reporter for National Review. Trinko is also a member of USA TODAY’S Board of Contributors, and her work has been published in various media outlets ...
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