The Corner

Annie Wang

Sorry, the Annie Wang novel I linked to isn’t available till April, mine’s a reviewer’s galley. You might try her first book, Lili, which I confess I couldn’t get very far into. People’s Republic of Desire is different & better, a sort of Sex and the City with

high-end urban China (Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Shenzhen) as the

city. It’s way girly–lots of chatter about the surface of things,

how people look, upscale brand names, how she feels about the way he

feels about her feelings for him, etc., etc., lotsa Ally McBeal-type

whingeing about how hard it is for smart professional women to find

suitable men. Calling it a “novel” is a bit of a stretch, though.

It’s just autobiographical stuff, basically a diary. However, I am in

violation of the reviewer’s code here, talking about the thing before

it’s available, so I’d better shut up.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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