The Corner

Another Republican Victory

Overlooked today in the depressing news coming out of the Supreme Court is the fact that the Republican National Committee tean won yesterday’s annual softball game between the DNC and the RNC. A very reliable source who was at the game tells me that the Republican party staffers were behind for most of the game and pulled out a squeaker win late in the game, 8–7. Could this be a possible omen for this November?

My source also tells me that supporters of the RNC team had various signs that they held up during the game, including one they used whenever the DNC scored a run that said “Let’s redistribute those runs!” Apparently, all of the DNC players had the number “12” on their shirts and kept chanting ‘four more years.” The RNC supporters countered with “five more months.” It was a very lively competition that may foreshadow the next four months.

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