The Corner


Another Review of Biden’s Immigration Remarks Yesterday

President Biden speaks in Atlanta, Ga., March 19, 2021. (Carlos Barria/Reuters)

William Saletan, writing at Slate, isn’t as tough as NR’s editors. But he’s not buying what the president was selling, either:

When Univision reporter Janet Rodriguez pointed out that it would take many years to improve life in Latin America — and asked Biden how he would “realistically and physically keep these families from coming to the U.S.” in the meantime — he had no good answer. . . .

If we can’t bear to close our doors to anyone who comes knocking, millions of people will arrive here. We’ll end up with overflowing detention centers and suffering, or we’ll have to release more and more migrants into the United States. It’s a recipe for chaos. I’ve barely begun to think through what that would mean. It doesn’t look as though Biden has, either.
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