The Corner

Health Care

Another Sign That Democrats Are Crumbling on Mask Mandates

This time from Virginia, where Youngkin got the ball rolling against fierce Democratic opposition:

Senate Democrats who have been howling over Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s executive order making masks optional in K-12 schools got on board with the idea Tuesday, voting to amend an education bill to give parents the right to decide if their children wear them.

Ten of the Senate’s 21 Democrats voted for an amendment — proposed by Sen. Chap Petersen (D-Fairfax) — that would give parents a right that Youngkin (R) declared they had last month with an executive order signed on the day he took office.

While he agrees with Youngkin that school mask mandates have dragged on too long, Petersen said the issue is one that should be addressed by legislation, not executive order.

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