The Corner

Another Song For The Suburban

When I’m not in my now legendary Maserati, I can be found in a fantastically huge Chevy Suburban, though it is typically the domain of my car-poolin’ furniture-buyin’ cutie. The best thing is when we go on a longer drive, we trick– er, convince the kids that the third row of seats has the best view and is the most fun. We call it the Wayback. They dive over the second row into the Wayback, start chirping to each other about Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (an excellent video game which replaces the joystick with bongos) and as their voices fade into the distance, Lee and I actually get to talk. So, it may only get 12 miles per gallon, but it’s good for your marriage.

Warren BellWarren Bell was nominated June 20, 2006, by President George W. Bush to be a member of the Board of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting for the remainder of a ...
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