The Corner

Woke Culture

Another Transgender Tragedy

“My 15-year-old transgender son is going through menopause — and I’m so proud of him,” reads the headline. More accurately it would read: “My 15-year-old daughter is going through menopause and because I facilitated this, I have to be thrilled.”

The girl’s confused mother explains:

A week or so earlier, we’d attended our local gender clinic, where my son [i.e. her daughter] has been a patient for the past couple of years. Born a girl but knowing from a young age that inside he definitely wasn’t a girl, he’s been gradually transitioning to the gender he’s clearly identified with since he was 12-years-old.

Later, this poor girl’s mother proclaims that “what the world needs is more people who are truly comfortable being themselves — and who accept and celebrate others for doing the same.” She believes that in order to be “truly comfortable,” her daughter requires a total overhaul of her reproductive faculties. This, apparently, is intensely exciting:

Now that [her daughter] has been through those symptoms once, [she] won’t have to endure them again. [She’ll] have quarterly injections that will top up the puberty blockers until [she’s] old enough to start on testosterone –- then that’s when the real changes will start to take place.

We can’t wait.

It is one thing to argue that such grueling procedures are necessary. It is another to suggest that they are cause for glee.

Madeleine Kearns is a staff writer at National Review and a visiting fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum.
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