The Corner

“Anti-Woman” Female Judicial Nominee

Further proving their dwindling relevance: This, from one of the latest feminist news updates:

The Feminist Majority joined a group of women’s rights, civil rights, consumer rights, environmental, labor and other progressive groups in a press conference Friday in Los Angeles to oppose President Bush’s nomination of anti-women judicial nominee Carolyn Kuhl to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Kuhl, who has a long record of opposing reproductive rights such as contraception, is the latest example of Bush’s effort to stack the nation’s courts with far-right ideologues.

“Senator (Diane) Feinstein (D-CA) and members of the Senate Judiciary Committee must oppose judges who will take away women’s rights and roll the clock backwards,” said Katherine Spillar, executive vice-president of the Feminist Majority. “Carolyn Kuhl has openly stated that she believes Roe vs. Wade was wrongly decided.”

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