The Corner

Apply to be an NRI Washington Fellow

National Review Institute’s Washington Fellows Program is looking for 25 mid-career professionals in the D.C.-area who are interested in learning more about the foundations of conservative thought. An ideal candidate has at least 10 years of full-time work experience and does not currently work in politics or policy, but all are welcome to apply.

The WFP’s goals are to introduce succeeding generations — not only young people working in the world of politics and policy, but those in the productive economy, as well — to the conservative movement’s most important thinkers, institutions, and writings, and to build a network of talented, like-minded individuals who can assist one another professionally and personally for years to come.”

You can find more information here. The deadline to apply for the 2013-2014 program is Monday, November 18th by 5:00 p.m. EST.

What if you don’t live in the D.C.-area? Well, NRI will be launching versions of this program in more cities, starting New York, in the coming months. Stay tuned!

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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