The Corner

April Fool’s Day Is a Right-wing Conspiracy

I loved this email from a very angry woman re this post:

Your story about Obama’s gift to the Queen is sheer lies – and all the right wing pigs are e-mailing it all over the world…guess that makes you happy

You are disgusting.

Update: Here’s another. I assume some left-wing blogger is sending readers my way:

More right wing false drivel.

How do you live this one down? And to think I used to be a solid Republican. Thanks to this stuff I am now an independent.

You need to check out the facts before you put this stuff in print. It puts the GOP in the same light as their last fearless leader.

This from the AP Who should I believe them or you?

<<During their private meeting, President Obama and first lady gave the queen a personalized iPod with video footage of her 2007 visit to Washington and Virginia. She was also given a rare songbook signed by composer Richard Rodgers.

In return the queen and her husband, Prince Philip, gave the Obama’s a signed portrait of themselves.>>

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