The Corner

Ask the Whigs

No one has fought harder to advance the candidacy of Mitt Romney than Hugh Hewitt, who wrote the book on Romney—literally. As profoundly as I respect Hugh—he’s one of my oldest friends and one of the smartest, most big-hearted people I’ve ever met—I myself was never quite able to buy the argument for Romney. Yesterday, as Hugh continued to use his website, deep into the evening, to hammer McCain while promoting Romney, I began to worry that Hugh might even pull a Coulter, announcing that he’d rather support Hillary or Barack than pull a lever for McCain.

Silly me.

Hugh’s first post of the day today is realistic, intelligent, and gracious—and the very reverse of a Coulter.

Romney and Huckabee ought to begin to note Senator McCain’s lead and urge their followers to recognize that if they cannot come back they and their followers will have to come in and join the party’s eventual nominee. Senator McCain would do well to make a similar statement though his lead is significant and his collapse unlikely. Putting Humpty Dumpty together again cannot wait for St. Paul….

There are seven reasons for anyone to support the eventual nominee no matter who it is: The war and six Supreme Court justices over the age of 68….When activist judges are more than willing to rewrite rules of long-standing, periods of exile should never be self-imposed “for the good of the party.” Exiles can go on a very long time indeed. Ask the Whigs.

Brother Hugh at his very best, which is saying something. Read it all here.

Peter Robinson — Peter M. Robinson is a research fellow at the Hoover Institution.
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