The Corner

The Attacked Soldier

Two views:


This story illustrates something I have been telling people for awhile now.

For all the Lefts talk of “We support the troops but not the war”, what a

good number of them want is a return to the days when spitting on soldiers

in airports and yelling baby killer was considered socially acceptable.

You watch, incidents like these will proliferate as the Left becomes more

desperate. Eventually, their political leadership will be on board as well

albeit more subtly to be sure.

And this one from a guy I suspect came in from a Daily Kos link (given his first email to me), but I don’t know that. I asked him if he wanted his email public and he declined:

Honestly Jonah,

What did the soldier expect…? Toby Keith is a buffoon, why should anyone expect his fans wouldn’t be as equally stupid and violent? By the way, any confirmation that the decorated soldier’s Purple Heart was in fact merely one of those cute widdle RNC bandaids? The guy sounds like he couldn’t defend himself against a ham sandwich. Good riddance he’s not in Iraq trying to protect good ol’ American freedom, lest my kids be forced by Osama to speak Arabic.

Cheers, Dave

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