The Corner


I’d hate for the Obama team’s latest effort to “fight the smears” go unmentioned in the Corner before it goes completely bust. It’s been a lot of fun mocking it on Twitter. From The Hill:

A new Twitter hashtag designed to help fight misinformation against President Obama appears to have backfired in early use on Wednesday.

President Obama’s Twitter feed, which is run by his campaign staff, on Tuesday evening started promoting the new website and hashtag #AttackWatch, designed to fight misinformation against the president.

The hashtag was already in heavy rotation by Twitter users by Wednesday morning, but many users are conservatives such as columnist Michelle Malkin, who offered up her own daily column as an example of an Obama “attack.”

The website is meant to be “the first line of defense against a barrage of misinformation,” according to an email from Obama’s campaign manager announcing the launch on Tuesday.

And then there’s this parody, which might go a bit over the top in parts, but captures the scorn nicely:

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