The Corner

Attention Jack Dunphy

A deeply depressing email from the other coast:

“Derb—My lovely fiance and I ran in a 10k race in Los Angeles yesterday.  Also running were cadets of the LA County Sheriffs.  After the race, at the little awards ceremony, the cadets marched up on stage and in military formation recited some kind of creed.  In it I heard mentioned something or other about racism and homophobia. 

“I thought:  Were they going to protect Los Angeles from homophobes and racists, or were they just making sure that we knew that they weren’t homophobes and racists?  It was simultaneously creepy and depressing.  Anyway, I found what they were reciting on the LA Sheriff website.  It’s apparently their CORE VALUES:  ‘As a leader in the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, I commit myself to honorably perform my duties with respect for the dignity of all people, integrity to do right and fight wrongs, wisdom to apply common sense and fairness in all I do and courage to stand against racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, homophobia and bigotry in all its forms.’

“Let’s hope they can still squeeze in some courage to stand against, oh, you know, crime.”

[Derb]  Shame on you, Sir.  Bigotry is a far greater threat to the Republic than mere crime.  Crime only deprives citizens of life, limb, and property; bigotry hurts their feelings.  

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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