The Corner

Axelrod: ‘I’m Not in the White House, Privy to All the Discussions’ on Benghazi

David Axelrod was in the unfortunate position again today of having to defend the Obama administration’s unwillingness to answer questions about Benghazi. He did so by…not answering questions about Benghazi. On Fox News Sunday, Chris Wallace pressed Axelrod on whether the President knew about the earlier attacks on the Benghazi consulate and requests for enhanced security. Axelrod responded, in part: 

I mean, I’m not in the White House, I’m not privy to all the discussions, but I can tell you this: this President is 100 percent committed to the people he sends overseas personally to represent this country. His the one who met those coffins when they came home, so any suggestion that he would not take the necessary steps to protect them, make some decision not to protect them, is just nonsense.

Except that Counterterrorism Security Group. Oopsie. 

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