The Corner

Bachmann on Iraq: Obama Administration ‘Got Their Hats Handed to Them’


Michele Bachmann criticized President Obama’s handling of Iraq today, saying that he and his team had “got absolutely nothing.”

“President Obama’s team said that they got what they wanted in Iraq,” Bachamnn said on Fox News Sunday. “They got absolutely nothing. They got their hats handed to them. Here we had expended over $800 billion dollars, worse, we’ve expended over 4400 American lives. We have nothing to show for it.”

“We’ve essentially been kicked out of Iraq by the people that we expended our blood and our treasure and our toil to liberate,” she added.

Noting that after the withdrawal the United States would have more troops in Honduras than in Iraq, Bachmann warned that Iran was “waiting in the wings” to influence Iraq.

“They’re looking to be the hegemon in the region and they’re looking to have a dominant influence in Iraq and this won’t be good going forward,” she said.

Speaking about Libya, Bachmann maintained that even in light of Muammar al-Gaddafi’s death, the United States should not have intervened. 

“I stand by that decision,” she said. “We don’t know who the next leaders will be. Sure there’s a transitional counsel, but who will the real leadership be that takes over and runs Libya? It could be a radical element. It could be the Muslim Brotherhood. It could be elements affiliated with al-Qaeda.”

Katrina TrinkoKatrina Trinko is a political reporter for National Review. Trinko is also a member of USA TODAY’S Board of Contributors, and her work has been published in various media outlets ...
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