The Corner

Baghdad Diarist

The Drudge docs that were up earlier can be read here and here and here. I’ve read them very quickly — reads to me like a young soldier in way over his head. I’ve talked to Jonathan Chait at TNR and he doesn’t dispute the accuracy of the documents but he does dispute the analysis that was on Drudge.

I have to say in my layman’s reading of the three documents, it doesn’t seem to constitute a clear cut “confession.” Again, reads like a kid who is in way too deep and wants out. Does that mean he was lying all along and doesn’t want to continue to? Maybe. But unless I’m misunderstanding — and unless there’s more to what he signed that I realize — I wouldn’t be comfortable calling it a confession. Yes, it’s weird someone wouldn’t defend himself if he was telling the truth, once confronted with a military investigatory document indicating his work doesn’t check out. But it looks to me these documents just raise more questions. I think we still don’t know the full story.

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