The Corner

Behold the Beer Cannon! And, A Word About the Ladies

First: the beer cannon montage.

And now, as a side note, I know many guys will like this because of their inherent guyness. I also know that when I say this sort of thing, some women will write and say, “Hey, I dig it too” (other, more annoying women will lecture me on how such statements are bigoted). What I don’t know is to what degree these women like such spectacles and how much they think their funny in the sense they find amusement in how stupid/weird men are.

This video isn’t the best example. But shows like Jackass are a good example. Do the fraction of women who like the show, like it for the same reasons men like it? Or, do they like it because they generally like guys qua guys and find their stupidity somehow charming? I’m sure it’s a mix of the two (okay, I’m not sure, but I’d guess it’s a mix of the two). I just have no way of knowing what the proportions are.

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