The Corner

Belly of The Michigan Beast

From a reader:

Voted in Ann Arbor this morning. Polls opened at 7:00 and I was there at 6:55. NEVER seen a poll line that long and I always vote at 7:00. It took 45 minutes to get to the booth. It was the longest 45 minutes of my life: listening to the insufferable liberal Ann Arborites were chatting with each other. Comments like this by an excited mother: “I spoke to my son in Portland last night, and, guess what?, Oregon is now a blue state!” Please.

This is truely solidly Kerry country, so I was depressed by the large eager turnout. The people seemed *so* self satisfied, like they were doing their part to save the world by getting up early to vote for Kerry.

My sense is that Michigan is definitely going for Kerry.

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