The Corner

Bernie Sanders Fends Off Town Hall Attendees Saying ‘F*** Israel,’ Claiming Hamas Is ‘a Service Organization’

Vermont independent senator and progressive darling Bernie Sanders found himself at odds with anti-Israel activists at a recent town hall — including at least one who considers the Palestinian terror group Hamas “a service organization.”

An attendee commended Sanders for not supporting a recent resolution last month affirming the Senate’s support for Israel in the ongoing conflict, but asked that Sanders “go further.”

Sanders said Israel had “overreacted” in the recent conflict, but sharply criticized Hamas, noting that it uses needed construction materials to build military tunnels into Israel.

One attendee yelled that the tunnels are for “survival purposes,” and the town hall quickly devolved in to a shouting match. Sanders at one point told a man to “shut up.” When Sanders stated that Hamas does not believe Israel has a right to exist (as the group’s charter confirms), a woman shouted that that was “bullsh**” and said the group is a “service organization.”

“It’s not just terrorist group — it’s a service organization,” she shouted. “It’s a word that means something to people! F*** Israel!”

Via BuzzFeed.

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